Office of Project Management

Office of Project Management

The Office of Project Management plans, prepares and performs the Projects that advance the Strategic Plan.

Using the approved Campus Master Plan and Environmental Impact Report as a guide, the Office of Project Management performs projects approved for Capital renewal and investment. 

Planning, Preparation and Performance

  • Campus Planning Process

Office of Project Management develops methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for projects to accommodate Strategic Plan programs and people

Directs development of efficient, economical and sustainable architectural and engineering practices into Campus design of new building, remodel and retrofit projects

Applies knowledge of industry and regulatory standards pertinent to Institutional development

  • Projects serve a variety of purposes

Project Management may be applied to Administrative efforts ranging from space use, transportation demand management and grant applications

Provides data analysis, engineering assessments and reporting to support project selection and investment decisions

Executes projects that involve space use, re-programming, re-purposing, reconfiguring or remodeling the built environment to meet Strategic Plan objectives

Office of Project Management maintains Architectural and Technical standards, incorporating cutting edge technology while preserving the historical legacy of the College.


Attachment Size
Attachment Size
151208 SMC ArchDesignStandards-Complete.pdf 2.14 MB
2010915 Saint Marys Col Graphic Standards_100pct.pdf 1.75 MB